We went to best Kebab after prom the other night. That's right, two of the flats above mine (13c and d) decided to throw a prom. This was Julian's Idea...he wanted "crappy American prom music" and we gave it to him...I'm not sure he appreciated it. I actually dressed up and made a prom playlist which went over pretty well with everyone else. Morgan (fellow American) and I got almost everyone to awkward prom dance to Howie Day's "collide" and I taught everyone the cupid shuffle(It's a simple line dance for those who don't know). The event included a tin foil arch and lots of balloons and overall might have been the best prom I have attended. Anyway, all of this post is to say that Best Kebab is amazing.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Best Kebab
We went to best Kebab after prom the other night. That's right, two of the flats above mine (13c and d) decided to throw a prom. This was Julian's Idea...he wanted "crappy American prom music" and we gave it to him...I'm not sure he appreciated it. I actually dressed up and made a prom playlist which went over pretty well with everyone else. Morgan (fellow American) and I got almost everyone to awkward prom dance to Howie Day's "collide" and I taught everyone the cupid shuffle(It's a simple line dance for those who don't know). The event included a tin foil arch and lots of balloons and overall might have been the best prom I have attended. Anyway, all of this post is to say that Best Kebab is amazing.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The boring side of things
So more on the less interesting side of things. The last two days I have spent some time working on a group project and when not working on that I have been catching up on movies or playing guitar. This small room is really starting to get to me. I've come to realize that I definitely can not study in my room...its like a psychological barrier I just don't get work done. Combine that with the fact that the library closes at 9:30 and that I do my best work at night and I start thinking Travis Tritt "I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E". The whole idle time would probably be better spent kicking some 1 hour online Clemson class homework which I do have...but it is incredibly boring. Not that I have been totally unproductive...I have emailed or applied to at least a dozen jobs, but as the days tick by with out any positive results a strange looming desperation is growing. So couple everything together add some dreary rain and the middle of a big city and you've got yourself breeding grounds for unhappiness.
On the brighter side Scott and I are in the middle of planning out our spring break trip throughout Europe. So far it looks like we will see everything we desire too except Spain Luxembourg and the beaches of Normandy. I think we are both excited about the trip because we keep bringing up random things to figure out before we leave (like do we need padlocks for leaving our bags in the hostels).
Anyway all things considered I'm doing well, just thought I'd try to restart the trend of blogging more often...even if it is slightly depressing.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Castle Trip
thus after my Treasury Management test Friday morning (which I just learned I apparently failed miserably...I need a 50% to pass the class by Clemson Standards and I got a 37% on the test....it counts for 20% of the class grade...I'm a little worried about it) said test ended around 11:15 so I ran back to my room and "man packed" which involved grabbing cloths and stuffing them into my backpacking backpack in a hurried unfolded way. The cloths felt very unloved by this, but it allowed me to sprint down the street to George Square in time to gather with the rest of the internationals by noon.
There were almost 150 of us which required three buses. Having left Mike and Scott behind at the Uni. (that's what they call it here...For example Uni work = school work) I was quick to fall in with flat 4D a group of mostly American girls who dwell above Scott. I took to joining Christy and Colleen in singing (I later learned that they successfully annoyed some American Midwesterners sitting in front of them) and talking with Lori (Kristen myself and Lori pictured). Kristen
The trip through the highlands was beautiful. Jim told us some history about ruins we passed, and we saw some oil rigs that were under construction. We stopped twice for bathroom breaks and to stock up on extra snack food. 8 hours after we left George Square we arrived at the Carbisdale Castle. It really didn't seem like that long of a trip thanks to all the interesting conversation and singing.
The Castle History: Apparently lady Cabisdale managed to marry into nobility by marrying the duke of Sutherland. He died of a shooting accident (as did her previous husband) and left everything in his will to her, Well his family was not pleased by this so they hired good lawyers and worked out a deal where they got their land and castle back if in exchange they built her a place that was up to her standard of living, hence the Carbisdale Castle. The side of the clock tower that faces the Sutherland castle has no clock on it because "she wouldn't give them the time off day". Anyway she sold it shortly after it was built (because she married some other guy to run off too new york with) to a famous whaling family and they in turn donated it years later to the youth hostel association. The castle came complete with a secret door that opened with you tipped a certain statue...it unfortunately broke (the door that is) about five years ago. There is also rumored a resident lady ghost, a carpet has been seen wrinkling towards guests and there have been reports of strange rocking sounds coming from the room that once was the nursery. unfortunate none of these events happened (to my knowledge) while we stayed there.
Anyway I slept well in our room with 12 guys with the exception of having to get up early to grab breakfast before heading off to do the days events.
We started off with breakfast and then a nature hike around the castle and through the forest and pasture lands that surround it. It was here that I played "Hey Cow" scoring only 2 points (you get a point for every cow that looks at you). I met Yuri (cool Asian girl) because of this, she still thinks that I made up the game to explain my insanity of screaming "hey cow" really loudly. She now calls me "Cow" and if she's feeling nice "Cow Boy" so I have taken to calling her "cow girl. "
That evening we played lots of cards and had a fantastic dinner...I mostly remember the Mandarin orange cheese cake and waiting patiently to eat it because the Germans think its rude to eat dessert before everyone is finished with their main meal. I ended up hanging out with one of the truely diverse groups there. We had two germans, an american, a french girl or two, a canadian, an austrian and others. Jim also had each nationality get up and sing something from that country. This was really enjoyable up until we went and Christy convinced everyone to sing a journey song...this went horribly, but everyone clapped politely anyway. Jim also constructed a treasure hunt(more like 20 questions found around the castle) which I am convinced we (Me Mackenzie and Colleen) won, but he never announced the winner so I'm going to go by his office and find out. I also taught lots of people how to play some card games like mysterious four, nertz and spades. At one point Lena
The next morning we packed up and hit the road. We stopped by Loch Ness
The journey home was mostly uneventful. Andee (from Austria and part of the mountaineering club) and I finally got the bus driver to turn off the radio (its not like it comes in strong in the highland mountains anyway) and enjoyed some conversations with people around us. And that was one of the greatest weekends I've ever had.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ireland! and St Patty's Day
Wow! what a wonderful trip. It was bright and sunny the whole time...even now that I am back in Glasgow it's still cheerful outside...weird. We decided that to save on transportation and to play it safe we should leave Monday night and sleep in the airport. Our flight was supposed to leave at 6:30a.m. and we would have been really pushing it to get a bus or train
Anyway we enjoyed the famous St Patty's day parade from behind a wall of people...all kinds of weird things pasted us by...my favorite (and I failed to take a picture of it) was a m
After the parade we went to the Guinness Beer Storage House...a huge building and long tour that was extremely fascinating met us and we gave it the time it deserved. Guinness is currently celebrating its 250th anniversary so they had all kinds of performances going on. We even took to swing dancing to a swing band on the 5th floor at one point. The bar tenders on the top floor which overlooks Dublin did a really cool trick and made a shamrock imprint in the foam every individual pint.
After Guinness we found dinner off in a corner of the city at an Asian restaurant. The food was good, but I paid way to much for them to bring me spicy pork instead of BBQ pork...I guess that's life. We finished dinner and went out to explore the nightlife. On our way a random girl ran up to me, yelled Happy St. Patty's Day! and then kissed me on the cheek...I was totally unprepared for this so i just said Happy St Patty's day back as she moved on to do the same to everyone else in our group. We exchanged pleasantries and she left convinced she'd see us again that night(we didn't see her again).
We unfortunately found no green beer to drink...well we found some it was just pricey to get into the place let alone buy it so we skipped out.
We left before midnight, split a taxi ride back to the airport...a cool Nigerian was driving us so I knew we were safe and didn't bother to find the seat belt(actually I had so much stuff I couldn't locate the seat belt).
We slept in the star bucks till 347am when security came around and kicked everyone in the shoes (we are talking about hundred people sprawled everywhere in the airport) apparently they only let you sleep if you take up 1 seat in the Starbucks not two or more...Anyway we did the whole trip process in reverse and now are back in Glasgow...somehow we brought a little sunshine with us.
Next weekend ...which I guess is 2 days away is the international Castle trip where we get to spend the night in some castle way up in the highlands...I'm very excited about it because i got the last ticket available from someone who canceled (Score!)
Monday, March 16, 2009
To Ireland for St. Patty's
I figured out the whole skype thing and called my Grandmother today from Glasgow (She doesn't dig computers enough to get one yet). She sounded like she was doing well, still suffering from vertigo and therefore not driving her new CRV as much as it wants to be driven. She encouraged me to throw my address out there so here it is (We recently enjoyed brownies made 3000 miles away in New Orleans that Mikes family sent...hint hint).
13A3 Birkbeck Court, 105 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G 4 0NP
OK so tonight we (at least 10 of us...including Me, Mike, Scott, Mark,Christy, Allie, some Australians and others) are hopping on a train to Prestwick airport where we will waste time until our 630am flight on Ryan air...the joke out there is that we will have to jump to help the plane take off...and to keep the feet off the floor because of the uncleanliness...but the tickets sure were cheap. We are off to Ireland for some St. Patty's day celebrating. hopefully I'll have some good photos to put up next blog. Scott, Christy, the Australians and I will return on the Wednesday 12:30 flight...it'll be very interesting because all the hostels were booked...so it's gonna be a long period of no sleep.
I heard something I thought was funny today ...A classmate asked to borrow a rubber...she meant the eraser I was using. Apparently they call erasers rubbers here...I think this verbal difference could lead to some very interesting/awkward situations.
13A3 Birkbeck Court, 105 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G 4 0NP
OK so tonight we (at least 10 of us...including Me, Mike, Scott, Mark,Christy, Allie, some Australians and others) are hopping on a train to Prestwick airport where we will waste time until our 630am flight on Ryan air...the joke out there is that we will have to jump to help the plane take off...and to keep the feet off the floor because of the uncleanliness...but the tickets sure were cheap. We are off to Ireland for some St. Patty's day celebrating. hopefully I'll have some good photos to put up next blog. Scott, Christy, the Australians and I will return on the Wednesday 12:30 flight...it'll be very interesting because all the hostels were booked...so it's gonna be a long period of no sleep.
I heard something I thought was funny today ...A classmate asked to borrow a rubber...she meant the eraser I was using. Apparently they call erasers rubbers here...I think this verbal difference could lead to some very interesting/awkward situations.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
An Overwhelming Sorriness
I am very sorry about that last post...I was short on time because I really wanted to go to bed and so I just spilled thoughts out all over the place. I hope anyone following this blog was not thrown off by that...I will do better to keep posts flowing in a orderly fashion from here on out.
Today I added a visitor counter to the blog...I had to do some html editing, but I have just enough skills to delete the part of the code that made a link below it trying to get more people to add it to their web pages (I decided that there would be no advertising on this page that I did not personally promote or benefit from), as of this post seven of the seventeen visits are by me editing and updating things.
I finally got to sleep in today, which was most excellent, then Scott and I spent a large chunk of the day in Starbucks working on a Topics in Corporate Finance project (we've mostly avoided American stores because we want to experience as many Scottish things as possible, but Starbucks is across the street from the apple store which supplies us with free wireless Internet). We will finish the project tomorrow and then start on a Portfolio Theory project as well. (Schoolwork Bleh!). So far I know of no travel plans for this weekend, but a huge group of us are going to Ireland next Tuesday for St. Patties day.
For those who care, this will also be the 250th anniversary of Guinness beer.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Alrighty! So this week and next week are more or less the Strathclyde equivalent of Clemson midterms. However, most of my classes just have one big test at the end so right now there are a lot of group projects/reports. For example today in value theories we did a report and I got to be the "American Representative" flown in that day for that speech about the love canal incident (an event which happened in America). I think I nailed it...but, so far the Scottish as a whole are not very entertaining speakers. Of course it beats the one girl from Slovakia or somewhere like that, she reallllllly struggled, the worst part was teams only had to send a few people up to present it wasn't like they needed to send the person up who couldn't communicate very well...I think it might cost them points in the end.
Anyway, enough about class lets talk about the weather. I hear it's like 80 degrees back home and people are getting sun burnt. I want everyone to know that I actually saw the sun today...through the downpour of chilling rain. Actually, I'm really not jealous I don't miss the hot humid sweatyness one bit...yet.
OK so this weekend we (Me, Scott, Mike, Kristen, and Kelsey) went to St. Andrews via bus. It was pretty, but in a calmer way than the other places I've been, on the bright side it's full of history. Oh and the smell of the ocean brought back lots of memories...although some effect is lost here because the sun is not warming the skin. We explored the city and visited the coast then bought tickets to see the ruins of the castle and cathedral. Apparently they built the cathedral poorly
The Castle ruins
We were running low on daylight and we wanted to see the old course during the day so we walked a little less than a mile to the other side of St. Andrews. We had to inquire to find the old course...there is also the new course (which is ironically several hundred years old as well) and one other course the name I have forgotten. After getting pointed in the right direction we walked down a path that jogged along side the old course.
At this point we cut out to the beach for the walk back. This Spot on St. Andrews beach is where they filmed the opening scene of "Chariots of Fire"
Anyway, we walked the beach back to the club house and found the
Sunday Mike, Kelsey, Scott and I went to a Presbyterian church called the Tron (Scott's choice...my choice last week, unfortunately, was a self help doctrine teaching charismatic church...neither of us enjoyed it.) the Tron is located in a historic church building and the seating is really cool. We ended up in the horseshoe shaped balcony which is just slightly higher than the preachers pedestal. In standard Presbyterian fashion we sang hymns from a hymnal (most of which strike me as slow and boring, but I think everyone else enjoyed it). I did, however, find the teaching to be founded in scripture which was very pleasant after last week.
That's about it since my last post. Two other boring updates: there is an unfortunate hole in the seat of one of my favorite jeans that I've just noticed, and I did laundry again today.
Oh and finally, I found a Yorkie bar so I bought it and ate half then shared it with the guys. It's pretty much strait milk chocolate, not very exciting for a bar that denies females the right to eat it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Quick unstylish update
Gosh, I suddenly have lots of group projects and tutorial homework due. At least that is my excuse for not updating my blog in the last few days. I think I also hit a weird stage emotionally somewhere between adjusting and culture shock (they had a lecture before we left to study abroad about the different stages most people go through). So I've been slightly depressed and haven't felt like writing (its getting much better now). I think the icing on the cake was the huge snowstorm Clemson had...I really wanted to be home for it...like the first time I'd have rather been there than here. But I'd have to trade at least six snowfalls and a snowball fight that involved a Nigerian...and I just couldn't trade that (the same snowball fight included another African opening his flat window and everyone throwing snowballs at him, he then yelled at everyone in jest...too which more snowballs found there way into his flat...very hilarious).
While working on one group project I learned that periods (aka this dot: . ) are not called periods here. Instead the Scottish prefer to think that when they are writing they are going very fast. Thus they call them "Full Stops".
One friend suggested that this is from back in the telegraph era *STOP* When people would end a phrase with a *STOP* *STOP* I wondered if commas are like half stops or yield signs, but they still apparently call them commas. I'm not sure whether I should ask about exclamation points. Who knew that punctuation could be so exciting! Anyway, I must unfortunately be off to do more homework. St. Andrews is the plan for this weekend (hopefully this will include hats and a walk around the course). *FULL STOP*
While working on one group project I learned that periods (aka this dot: . ) are not called periods here. Instead the Scottish prefer to think that when they are writing they are going very fast. Thus they call them "Full Stops".
One friend suggested that this is from back in the telegraph era *STOP* When people would end a phrase with a *STOP* *STOP* I wondered if commas are like half stops or yield signs, but they still apparently call them commas. I'm not sure whether I should ask about exclamation points. Who knew that punctuation could be so exciting! Anyway, I must unfortunately be off to do more homework. St. Andrews is the plan for this weekend (hopefully this will include hats and a walk around the course). *FULL STOP*
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