Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random Joke

A joke I just got told by an Irish Student studying here:

Q. What happened to the Irish car bomber who went to blow up a bus full of tourists?

A. He burned his lips on the tail pipe

Not to much has gone on the last two days. Finally did laundry and got charged a fortune (5.80 pounds for 2 loads of laundry, that was a wash and dry). And I still have a grass stain in the rear of one of my jeans from falling down a grassy hill at Edinburgh Castle....oh well. Classes seem to be going well. At least I think I know what I need to do to do well on the exams. Oh! also some tall skinny guy from Athens Greece moved in to take the place of the kid from Arizona who left on like the second day here. Unfortunately this means that we no longer have a guest room. We had successfully jimmied the lock open and been using the room as needed. Well really the only person who used it at all was Mike who locked himself out of his room at 4 in the morning and made use of the bed in the (at the time) guest room till the housing office opened (so he could get a spare key).
Today I missed a CU meeting (Christian Union) because I thought it was at 830 when really it was at 530. I met some really cool people who were still milling around though and it was nice to find natives who loved God.

1 comment:

  1. I heard that joke a few years ago. The difference though was that the bomber was a South Carolina student and the bus belonged to Clemson
